Friday, 27 June 2008

Going On My Holidays

Grandma is still not to good at posting pictures, this is the 3rd attempt at loading 3 heres hoping this works.I am hiding from my mummy as i want to stay at home with my 2 grandmas and my dog millie.Oh no she found me, look what she does next.Well now i am nearly packed i should go.But don't worry grandmas i will be back soon.My 2 sons and dil and Ellis is of tommorow for 2 1/2 weeks to perth australia.i am sure it will pass quickly.Hopefully this will work this time.


Something Nice and Pretty said...
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Something Nice and Pretty said...

I think he is soooo cute! His picture reminds me of the one my mom took of me when I was a baby also in a laundry basket only I had a bonnet on:)


Something Nice and Pretty said...

Right now we are going out to dinner so I'll post tomorrow about it. Don't worry about having it right away you can do it anytime:)


Paula said...

What a little sweetie in the basket!
Hope you have a wonderful week, Kate!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Such a darling! Love the little peek-a-boo photo.
